Lab2 is an add-on to LabView allowing to simulate a large
variety of experiments in ultrafast optics in a very
comfortable and intuitive way. Several users have
contributed special modules that make Lab2 even more
attractive, as they allow to study a number of laser-matter
interactions. They include diatomic molecules (Lab2 solves the
time dependent Schroedinger equation), three level systems
(Lab2 solves Maxwell Bloch equations) to name but a few. Lab2
was born at the Institute for Optics and Quantum Electronics
(IOQ) in Jena in 1998. Its headquarter is now - since fall
2004 - at the Institute of Applied Physics in Bern
(Switzerland). We do hope that you'll find it useful. The
latest version is version 5.0 and it runs with LabView 8.5 and
